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About Us

Sunday Mornings

Sundays at the Wes


Join us on Sundays at 10.45am

We meet each week at 10.45am and although not every week is the same, there will always be newer and traditional songs, Bible readings, prayers and preaching. Holy Communion is usually held on the first Sunday of the month. Services typically last 60 – 75 minutes. Every service is followed by coffee / tea which gives us an opportunity to get to know each other better. 


There are activities for children each week – we start all together and then they go to their own group to learn about the Christian faith in a fun and relevant way.

Seeking to love God, each other and the wider community


Our Mission Statement

Seeking to love God, each other, and the wider community - through worship, discipleship, fellowship, service, and outreach reminds us of why we exist as a church!

Our Faith Statement


Wesleyan Reform Union

We are members of the Wesleyan Reform Union of Churches, a group of around 60 churches ranging from Glasgow down to Cornwall.


As members of the WRU, our beliefs are contained in the statement of faith below; summarised as follows:


- We believe in the one true and living God, Father Son and Holy Spirit.

- We believe that the Bible is inspired by Him and is our supreme authority.

- We believe that all have sinned and thereby are subject to God’s punishment.

- We believe that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ.

- We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ gave Himself as a sacrifice; that He was raised from the dead, ascended to heaven and will personally return.

- We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine Person, granting repentance toward God and faith in Jesus Christ, also dwelling in every believer.

- We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church.

- We believe that all have equal spiritual opportunities, as the priesthood of all believers.

- We believe that Baptism and the Lord’s Supper were instituted by Christ and thereby should be practised in the church.


The Church Hall,

Queen Street,


NN10 0AA


Rushden Independent Wesleyan Church

Charity no. 1132251

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